Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Laser Eyes



3 weeks ago yesterday. I'd say I'm at 95%. I could never see 100% with each eye, and I see as well as with my prescription.

Are you a candidate? - Screening
Got like 2 or 3 tests, took about 30 min. Good candidate apparently. After that got a quote and set possible dates. Mulled over it for like a month and finally caved in. Scheduled a Pre-op.

~2 hours total of more tests and measurements. Eyes dilated, more tests. After all that I still asked if I was a good candidate and got assured I was. Dice was rolled ;) Same day I picked up drops (antibiotic and steroid). The paperwork describing all the things that could wrong almost put me off it, but decided to brave it.

Arrived at 7:30am, took one relaxant pill. At 8am got into the surgery room, two machines (two lasers). Got one of the


clamps set up, that was the most uncomfortable part of it and I barely felt it. That took maybe 20 secs to put them in. Then sat in one of the machines, dr/nurse will add eye drops for lubrication.

Laser #1: Look at a green dot. Don't move your eye for 18 seconds. Dot looks blurry/blob, Dr assures it's normal and is talking all the time, reassuring what you are seeing and explaining it. Next eye. You can see some little brush the Dr does to your eyes.  At that point you see very blurry. Stand up and move to next machine.

Laser #2: Don't move your eye for 6 seconds. New light. Some eye drops, next eye. Done!

Stand up and leave. You can see in focus w/o glasses, just very "milky" like if you were looking through a white filter. Use sunglasses and go home :)

Eye drops
Start with drops an hour after surgery. Antibiotic drops are 4x/day for 7 days or until bottle runs out. Mine ran out end of 5th day.
Steroid drops are: 3 days each hour (steroid) you're awake. Then 4x/day for 4 days. Then 2x/day for 7 days. And finally 1x/day for 7 days.
You also can get some tears/lubricant extra, though they recommend not using them the first day. I didn't have to myself that day. Probably have used them 4 times in 3 weeks.

Eye care (First week)
The first week is the most important one. You can't get water/dust/etc on your eyes, nor scratch/rub/touch them. They give you a flexible eye guard to sleep so you don't rub them while asleep. Very uncomfortable in that you build some crust/byproducts from the eye drops and you can't take it off. I used a tissue and just tried to not touch the eye, only the eyelid/bony part of the nose. Got some tight goggles for showering. After the first week Dr. cleared me off water/eye guard.

Post-op visit
One 24-hours after surgery, next 7 days after that. My next one is a month after last one.

Actual vision
Vision as good as with glasses. Some days the first week were a bit off on one of the eyes, but got better after a few minutes: no "OMG what have I done" moments. I saw halos around lights for a while, seems to be diminishing over time. Car headlights/lights at night do seem brighter than usual, as if they had the high-beams on. Dr. mentioned this should improve over time.

All in all, worth the ordeal for me. Laser eyes FTW!


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Adding Global shaders to UE4 v2.0

(Updated post for 4.18 and above!)

In Unreal Engine 4, global shaders are shaders that can be used from the C++ side to render post-processing effects, dispatch compute shaders, clear the screen, etc. (i.e., shaders that don’t operate on a material or a mesh). On occasion, more advanced functionality is necessary to achieve a desired look, and a custom shader pass is required. Doing this is relatively simple, as I will explain here.

USF Files
UE4 reads .usf (Unreal Shader Files) off the Engine/Shaders/Private folder. Any new shaders need their source files placed here, or if working on a plugin, PluginName/Shaders/Private).

I’d recommend enabling r.ShaderDevelopmentMode=1 in your ConsoleVariables.ini file for ease of development! Check out the documentation for more information!

Let’s start by adding a new .usf file in your Engine/Shaders/Private folder; let’s call it MyTest.usf and add a simple pass-through Vertex Shader, and a Pixel Shader that returns a custom color:

// MyTest.usf

// Simple pass-through vertex shader
void MainVS(
in float4 InPosition : ATTRIBUTE0,
out float4 Output : SV_POSITION
Output = InPosition;

// Simple solid color pixel shader
float4 MyColor;
float4 MainPS() : SV_Target0
return MyColor;

Now, in order to get UE4 to pick up the shader and start compiling it, we need to declare a C++ class; let’s start with the Vertex Shader:

// This can go on a header or cpp file
class FMyTestVS : public FGlobalShader

FMyTestVS() { }
FMyTestVS(const ShaderMetaType::CompiledShaderInitializerType& Initializer)
: FGlobalShader(Initializer)

static bool ShouldCache(EShaderPlatform Platform)
return true;

static bool ShouldCompilePermutation(const FGlobalShaderPermutationParameters& Parameters)
// Useful when adding a permutation of a particular shader
return true;


There are a few requirements here:
  1. This is a subclass of FGlobalShader. As such, it will end up in the Global Shader Map, (which means we don’t need a material to find it).
  2. Usage of the DECLARE_EXPORTED_SHADER_TYPE() macro will generate the exports required for serialization of the shader type, etc. The third parameter is a type for external linkage for the code module where the shader module will live, if required (e.g. the C++ code doesn’t live in the Renderer module).
  3. Two constructors, both the default and the serialization.
  4. The ShouldCache() function, needed to decide if this shader should be compiled under certain circumstances (e.g. we might not want to compile a compute shader on a non-compute shader capable RHI).
  5. The ShouldCompilePermutation() function, needed when a permutation of a global shader is required. This is a slightly more advanced topic outside the scope of this post.

With the class declared, we can now register the Shader Type to UE4’s list:
// This needs to go on a cpp file

IMPLEMENT_SHADER_TYPE(, FMyTestVSTEXT("/Engine/Private/MyTest.usf"), TEXT("MainVS"), SF_Vertex);
This macro maps the type (FMyTestVS) to the .usf file (/Engine/Private/MyTest.usf), the shader entry point (MainVS) and the frequency/shader stage (SF_Vertex). It also causes the shader to be added to the compilation list as long as its ShouldCache() and ShouldCompilePermutation() methods both returns true.

Note: Whichever module you add your FGlobalShader to has to be loaded before the actual engine starts, or you will get an assert like, “"Shader type was loaded after engine init, use ELoadingPhase::PostConfigInit on your module to cause it to load earlier.”. We current do not allow a dynamic module that is loaded after a game or editor to add its own shader type.

Let’s now declare the more interesting Pixel Shader:
class FMyTestPS : public FGlobalShader

FShaderParameter MyColorParameter;

FMyTestPS() { }
FMyTestPS(const ShaderMetaType::CompiledShaderInitializerType& Initializer)
: FGlobalShader(Initializer)
MyColorParameter.Bind(Initializer.ParameterMap, TEXT("MyColor"), SPF_Mandatory);

static void ModifyCompilationEnvironment(const FGlobalShaderPermutationParameters& Parameters, FShaderCompilerEnvironment& OutEnvironment)
FGlobalShader::ModifyCompilationEnvironment(Parameters, OutEnvironment);
// Add your own defines for the shader code
OutEnvironment.SetDefine(TEXT("MY_DEFINE"), 1);

static bool ShouldCache(EShaderPlatform Platform)
// Could skip compiling for Platform == SP_METAL for example
return true;

static bool ShouldCompilePermutation(const FGlobalShaderPermutationParameters& Parameters)
// Useful when adding a permutation of a particular shader
return true;

// FShader interface.
virtual bool Serialize(FArchive& Ar) override
bool bShaderHasOutdatedParameters = FGlobalShader::Serialize(Ar);
Ar << MyColorParameter;
return bShaderHasOutdatedParameters;

void SetColor(FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, const FLinearColor& Color)
SetShaderValue(RHICmdList, GetPixelShader(), MyColorParameter, Color);
// Same source file as before, different entry point

IMPLEMENT_SHADER_TYPE(, FMyTestPSTEXT("/Engine/Private/MyTest.usf"), TEXT("MainPS"), SF_Pixel);

In this class we are now exposing the shader parameter MyColor from the .usf file:
  1. The FShaderParameter MyColorParameter member is added to the class, which will hold information for the runtime to be able to find the bindings, allowing the value of the parameter to be set at runtime.
  2. In the serialization constructor we Bind() the parameter to the ParameterMap by name, this has to match the .usf file's name.
  3. The new ModifyCompilationEnvironment() function is used when the same C++ class defines different behaviors and be able to set up #define values in the shader.
  4. The Serialize() method is required. This is where the compile/cook time information from the shader’s binding (matched during the serialization constructor) gets loaded and stored at runtime.
  5. Finally, we have a custom SetColor() method, which shows how to set the MyColor parameter at runtime with a specified value.

Let’s now write a simple function to draw a fullscreen quad using these shader types:
void RenderMyTest(FRHICommandListRHICmdListERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevelconst FLinearColorColor)
 // Get the collection of Global Shaders
 auto ShaderMap = GetGlobalShaderMap(FeatureLevel);
 // Get the actual shader instances off the ShaderMap
 // Declare a pipeline state object that holds all the rendering state
 FGraphicsPipelineStateInitializer PSOInitializer;
 PSOInitializer.PrimitiveType = PT_TriangleStrip;
PSOInitializer.BoundShaderState.VertexDeclarationRHI = GetVertexDeclarationFVector4(); PSOInitializer.BoundShaderState.VertexShaderRHI = MyVS->GetVertexShader(); PSOInitializer.BoundShaderState.PixelShaderRHI = MyPS->GetPixelShader(); PSOInitializer.RasterizerState = TStaticRasterizerState<FM_SolidCM_None>::GetRHI(); PSOInitializer.BlendState = TStaticBlendState<>::GetRHI(); PSOInitializer.DepthStencilState = TStaticDepthStencilState<falseCF_Always>::GetRHI(); // Apply it SetGraphicsPipelineState(RHICmdListPSOInitializer); // Call our function to set up parameters. This has to happen AFTER the PSO has been applied! MyPS->SetColor(RHICmdListColor); // Setup the vertices FVector4 Vertices[4]; Vertices[0].Set(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0, 1.0f); Vertices[1].Set(1.0f, 1.0f, 0, 1.0f); Vertices[2].Set(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0, 1.0f); Vertices[3].Set(1.0f, -1.0f, 0, 1.0f); // Draw the quad DrawPrimitiveUP(RHICmdListPT_TriangleStrip, 2, Verticessizeof(Vertices[0])); }

If you want to actually test this in your codebase, you can try something like this; I declared a console variable so it can be toggled at runtime:
static TAutoConsoleVariable<int32> CVarMyTest(
TEXT("Test My Global Shader, set it to 0 to disable, or to 1, 2 or 3 for fun!"),

void FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer::RenderFinish(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList)
// ***
// Inserted code, just before finishing rendering, so we can overwrite the screen’s contents!
int32 MyTestValue = CVarMyTest.GetValueOnAnyThread();
if (MyTestValue != 0)
FLinearColor Color(MyTestValue == 1, MyTestValue == 2, MyTestValue == 3, 1);
RenderMyTest(RHICmdList, FeatureLevel, Color);
// End Inserted code
// ***

At this point you should be able to test out your new global shader! Run your project, then pull up a console using tilde (~) and type r.MyTest 1, then r.MyTest 2 and/or r.MyTest 3 to change colors. Use r.MyTest 0 to disable the pass.

Debugging the generated source
Take a look at the blog post if you want to be able to debug the compilation of your .usf file and/or see the processed file.

You can modify the USF file while an uncooked game/editor is running, and then press Ctrl+Shift+. (period) or type recompileshaders changed in the console to pick up and rebuild your shaders for quick iteration!
